Sandy Holly

4 min

Top Ten Goals for 2021

As we walk into 2021, we are reminded yet again how short life is and how quickly time passes the older we get. As the year 2020 closed, we're reminded of what we’ve lost, wished we had, and what we’re still working toward.

What if we let the fresh new year propel us forward like never before? What if we stepped out in the faith we believers have in Jesus’ name and walk right into our destinies. Even if they’re baby steps, they still count.

When I finally stepped out in the faith I have in Jesus and followed Him into the unknown, I had to learn many new things. Before I launched my online business, I spent a tremendous amount of time learning and relearning about an online venture.

I was not a writer nor a website designer. I didn’t even have a computer when I was growing up. I think I was twenty-five before I even owned a computer. I never edited, formatted books, or copyrighted anything in my life. And what’s a business plan and do I need an LLC or a corporation? What’s QuickBooks, and how do I collect sales tax and exactly where does that go? You see where I’m going here? These few questions were just representative of the many at the top of a long list.

I put in the time to understand all aspects of my newfound line of business. After a few months into its infancy, I sat dumbfounded at all the work I had done and everything that I learned. Feeling somewhat accomplished and yet knowing I still had a long way to go, I sat and wrote this little quote and tacked it onto my corkboard: “With grit, there’s a fine line between determination and sheer craziness.” –Sandy Holly

I posted this saying to remind me how far I’ve come, to keep on keeping on, and to stay on the path marked out before me by my Heavenly Father. God asks us to work for Him and to work hard. He wants us to learn new things, to go to new places and to get completely out of our comfort zones. To do this, He also passes out a heaping helping of grit and determination.

To me, grit is the character of a person who has courage and strength to complete the task given to him or her. A person who has grit has passion and perseverance and works hard to complete the goals set before him or her. God gives out grit by the handfuls, but far too often, we let it slip right through our fingers because of fear, self-doubt, and comparison, which can stun, mystify, and rob us of our sheer grit and determination that God gives.

I am sure by now God has already placed upon your heart exactly what He’d like you to accomplish in this new year, and He is handing you a heaping helping of grit and determination. So, take steps today to visually walk into that work or place.

For the past few years, I have been making a Top Ten list of goals to complete in the new year. Mr. Holly also compiles a Top Ten list, and I frame them and keep them on our bathroom counter. We can see our lists daily and be reminded of our God-given goals. By the grace of God, we have completed our list each year, except last year. That year was off the record books. We've added last year’s unmet goals to our new list and are more determined than before to complete.

To get started on your Top Ten list, simply start jotting your God-given passions and dreams. Write them down in no particular order. Write out your heart’s desires. Add some unbelievably crazy dreams on the list and also add some fun creative ideas about which you’ve always dreamed. Your list should contain more than ten dreams and ideas. Prayerfully consult God to show you what to drop and what to move to the Top Ten list!

Through our faith and belief in Christ Jesus, we serve a mighty God who can accomplish anything. Humbly come before Him. When we commitment ourselves to the task given, we align ourselves with God’s will for us. In this new-found task or goal, be diligent and be ready to put in the hard work. Persevere when opposition strikes and setbacks happen. Remember who gave you the desire and this work to complete. Stay motivated to your goal list by always remembering your “why” or reason for completing your God-given goal.

In your list, add the sheer craziness ideas that bring times of fun and great joy—like learning to play the harmonica. Just remember, if it’s in your Top Ten, you just got to do it! Make it fun! Make it last. Make memories as you walk into the path the Lord your God has laid out before you. Let it ring out of pure joy! Make the list so much fun and outrageous that you just know you can’t complete it all in one year. And you’re right, you can’t—but God can. When your plan is aligned with His, big things happen! Joyful things happen! God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. And sweet peace will find your hearts as you live out your God-given grit and determination.

Happy New Year, and Happy Top-Ten Writing!

Love, Sandy

Scriptures to Keep Handy to Remember Why We Set Goals

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4-5

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” Psalm 127:1

“May he give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed. “Psalm 20:4

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

“I truly tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
